and have installed the dxgi.dll, SpecialK64.pdb, and Version folder, inside the SOTTR Steam game directory. The mod I have installed from the Booty Edition is kind of working. Once she receives this Tunic you can then use the mods available to dress or undress her. I purchased SOTTR a few days ago on Steam and have played up to Paititi, where Lara is given the Blue Heron Tunic. The hardware I am using to play the game on the PC is a Razer Blade 15 Advanced laptop with an ASUS PA32UCX monitor. I am primarily a gamer on the consoles, PS4 to be precise, and the game I am going to be asking about below, Shadow of the Tomb Raider (SOTTR), I have already completed and platinumed on the PS4.
So I am going to apologize in advance for being such a newbie when it comes to using Special K and arriving at the mod party late.